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  • Writer's pictureRenata Reis

ParticipAction Campaign

Updated: May 5, 2020


Art Director: Renata Reis

Copywriter: Nuala Murray

Graphic Designer: Cristiane Kaneko

Digital technology has improved our lives by providing a wide range of information and communication connecting places from all over the world. Canadian teens have adapted quickly to these changes and they are now spending an average of 4 hours a day looking at screens. Some studies show that the rise of technology use has also increased with the levels of loneliness, depression, and anxiety among them.

Teens might not realize the negative effects of the excessive use of technology, especially on their mental health. So they need to be encouraged to do more exercise and physical activities to help them stay balanced.

To solve this problem, we created a campaign to help disconnect young people from the excessive use of technology, raise awareness and motivate them to improve their physical and mental health by exploring physical exercises.


Posters will be placed inside the schools, where teenagers have daily access, like the library.

Instagram Stories

Info Kit

Info kit contains data about what has been happening with youth who don't exercise and spend too much time on the screen, and also some exercises and healthy food that they should eat.

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